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How to Become Great, by Amariih Vaughns

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

The key to being great...

Becoming great start within the mind. You must first mentally create the desire to want to be great and than with that desire do any and everything in your power to take steps every single day to reach this final goal. To truly become great you must change inside. If you want to really be great you can not continue being the person you are at this moment reading. Greatness comes from consistently improving every aspect of your life. No matter how small that aspect is.

Be strong minded

You must not care about others opinions of you. True Greatness comes from inner confidence, even when the world doubts you , You know from your hard work and experience that you are correct. See even years before if you told someone the world was round they'd look at you as if you were crazy. But really craziness is living in a world and not trying to discover whether what you are being told as a kid is actually true. But with this mentallity , and optimistic point of view of life you will always have doubter and critics trying to disprove your every word. And that's where your greatness will lie. In this fight to prove you correct no matter who doubts you , and you relentless effort to actually prove and show evidence of you conclusion . Sooner or later your greatness will be shown and the world will see your talent and what discipline and hard work does.

You need disciple.

Discipline should be your best friend during your journey to greatness, because without it progress and results will stagnate. You must be disciplined enough to continue working daily , even if your are not seeing the fruits of your labor at the moment. You must remember "anything really worth having is also worth the wait". You must be willing to truly sacrifice time, money and sometimes even certain friendships if you truly want to reach your goals. Be disclipned to becoming better ,do whatever it takes to make sure when its your final moments on this earth you can say yo did everything possible to become the best version of yourself

Show love

You must be kind and show love to everyone. A great mind understand that sometimes being nice and kind to other is just as deadly a weapon as anger. Smiling and being nice to others will open up many more opputtunitiues in your life. By being kind to other you create more trust and positive energy to the people around you. When you communicate with people on this planet you are sharing energy waves. IF you are in a bad mood the recipient on the other end of the convo will be able to feel and perceive this energy. And it might even cause them to feel as if you are angry and upset at them even if you are upset about an event or unrelated situation. Practice smiling , remember one bad days doesn't mean its the end of the world. To truly reach greatness you must be able to perform at high quality in any condition. But if you've read this far I truly believe that you can do that.

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